Special Report on Elections

Special Report: Jon and Terry sit down with Dr. Frank regarding our elections

This revealing look at what really is going on across America is an important video to watch and features hosts Jon and Terry of Shasta County fame with guest Dr. Douglas Frank. Shasta County Patriots took back their vote and “convinced” their county to remove the electronic ballot machines and to return to precinct voting using paper ballots for hand counting. The video is used with permission from MountainTopMedia.com.

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1 thought on “Special Report on Elections”

  1. Fantastic discussion. They’re so right on. We have been “groomed” to be compliant with “authority” by asking permission for this or that. We’ve even been convinced to sit on the sidelines and await the next big court case by other “paytriots.” Not that there isn’t any merit in pursuing legal remedies, but even if we win in court, we cannot sit idly and wait around for years. Wars are won by boots on the ground taking action now, not waiting around for someone else to win our battles. This is a great wake up call. What do we think “self governance” actually means?! We the People are the sovereigns in this country! We need to start acting like it.


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