OC Schools: OUSD Recall Update

COMMENTARY: The Orange Unified School District (OUSD) is a true hotspot for civic engagement. With the California teachers’ union members holding a powerful presence at the OUSD board over the last 12 months, their interests were well communicated at the board meetings. Many times, union voices dominated or even obstructed board proceedings. Like many parents who are involved in actively participating in their child’s education, I was not aware of the extent to which our schools are bent towards union interest at the expense of the interest of the families whom the district serves.

In fact, union interests in California run deep, “…teachers union endorsements in three states in 2022 — California, New York and Florida — ….union-backed candidates for school board won 70% of the time in California, 80% of the time in New York and 64% of the time in Florida (Antonucci, 2022).” At OUSD, the teachers’ union successfully funded the recall effort of two elected officials, who were chosen to make positive changes to the dynamics of the Orange school district.

Let’s check in with a local blogger, Frank Rodriguez, on what’s happening at OUSD.

Reference: Antonucci, Frank (October 31, 2022). PACs Get Attention, but Teachers Unions Still Dominate School Board Elections. The 74. Retrieved on December 26, 2023, from https://www.the74million.org/article/pacs-get-attention-but-teachers-unions-still-dominate-school-board-elections/

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