Election Integrity Project CA Returns to the Spotlight

ON FEB 5, 2024, in Pasadena, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals will hear an argument regarding the case Election Integrity Project CA (EIPCa) v the California Secretary of State (CA SOS). The case alleges that the state of CA failed to properly follow the signature verification processes needed to verify the 2020 election results for vote-by-mail ballots.

Watch Or Hear Oral Arguments

The Ninth Circuit has set the oral argument for February 5, 2024, in Pasadena at 9:30 a.m. Both audio and video of the oral arguments are streamed live on the court’s website at: www.ca9.uscourts.gov. Links to live-streaming audio and video are available on the main page and are listed by date, time, location, and courtroom. Recordings of all oral arguments are available the day after the argument at http://www.ca9.uscourts.gov/media/.

Upcoming EIPCa Tour

The EIPCa is holding meetings at several locations throughout CA to share its strategy to ensure 2024 elections are fair. The meetings will also provide an update on the EIPCa case currently on appeal. Read more

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